
What is Functional Training?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely an athlete and therefore, have likely heard of the term, ‘Functional Training.’ The reason for this blog post is that this term has been defined in many different ways over the years, and I wanted to clarify what this term means in its purest sense and therefore, how it … Read more

Caffeine Use in Endurance Sports

Caffeine is the most established performance enhancing agent in the endurance sports industry due to its ergogenic and cognitive potential. In 1984, caffeine was included on the prohibited list by the Olympic officials. Urine analysis of 12 micrograms per milliliter and higher was the limit to test positive until the ban was lifted in 2003. … Read more

Stay In Your Lane

There are many aspects to being a great coach… Reliable. Professional. Knowledgable. Adaptable. The list goes on. However, one aspect of being a great coach that is often left off the list is that of staying in your lane. While this falls under the ‘professional’ category listed above, unfortunately, it is all too often ignored … Read more

Reverse Periodization

Periodization is a pretty common term and training practice within the realm of endurance sports. When most endurance athletes think of periodization, they think of a pyramid; with the lowest intensity/highest volume at the bottom and the highest intensity/lowest volume at the top. This pyramid is typically designed to peak for one event per year, … Read more