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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Erica Hopman

Profile Image

Coach Profile

  • certified UESCA Running Coach, Marathon and Ultra Distance Runner
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Coaching Experience

1-3 years

About Erica

I've moved from being a couch/5k mom to being a 2x Boston qualifier and dedicated distance runner. This past fall I competed and won 1st female overall in my first Ultra: the Sticks'n'Stones 53k trail race.
My goal is to help you find that same joy while achieving your running goals.

Coaching Philosophy

Discover the beauty of having a dedicated coach. Coaching takes the guess work out of training. A coach will see things you may miss and will encourage you to keep going.
We offer dedicated 1:1 coaching, which includes:
-Biweekly training plans delivered to your inbox.
-Ongoing text and email support.
-Bi-weekly check-ins via video chat.
-Pre-race support.