Sarah Carroll
Coach Profile
- UESCA Running Coach
- PN Nutrition level1 nutrition coach
- Certified personal trainer
- Strength training past 50 years old specialist
- Group fitness and spin instructor
- Running (marathon or shorter)
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Expert/Advanced
- Strength and Conditioning
- Injury Prevention
- Sports Nutrition
My Name is Sarah, wearer of many hats!
I am a very active mom who has leaned into fitness to help manage stress, anxiety and demands of everyday life.
I have a very large variety of expertise I bring to the table, including personal training, run coaching, nutritionist and group fitness!
My history with body dysmorphia and disordered eating fueled my passion into getting certified, so I can relate to and help others along their journeys.
Movement should feel GOOD, it should not make you hate what you're doing or cause burn out which can negatively impact your day-day life.
I am a huge fan of creating and implementing sustainable practices
Teaching is key. I want my clients to know the WHY of what they are doing, so they can feel empowered and educated on their own.