Coach Directory

Kallie Conrad

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Ultrarunning Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Injury Prevention
  • Sports Nutrition
About Kallie

My love for trails began when I was 9 years old on my first backpacking trip with my Dad. I ran cross country in high school, struggling as an athlete who didn't "look" the part. I wouldn't run again until the birth of my second child, but kept my heart and feet in the mountains.

Now a mother of five, I am so grateful for my body and mind and the time they allow me on the trails and in the mountains. I have experienced set backs from a birth injury, thyroid cancer, and have overcome struggles with disordered eating. I look forward to finding more joy and gratitude for the adventures allowed

Coaching Philosophy

I find it a honor to guide your training, as I earn your trust I hope you will let me support you to....

Dream big.
What excites you? What scares you? Who could you be if allowed? Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve.

Plan for success. Plan for the rough patches. Plan to make those big dreams happen.

Consistently give your best to the physical training. Sharpen your mind. Fuel your body. Embrace recovery.

Expect the unexpected. Find balance giving what you can give to the process at the time. Watch yourself grow.

Big and small, find joy and gratitude in the adventures, finish lines, and relationships earned.