Coach Directory

Aliaksandra Tapunova

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Coach Profile

  • certified S10.Run Running Coach
  • certified FC "Bagira" Fitness Instructor
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
Level of Specialization
  • Intermediate
Coaching Experience

1-3 years

About Aliaksandra

My full name is Aliaksandra, compliment from Belarusian translator 😉 but everyone calls me Sasha! I am from Minsk City in Belarus.
I came from being a complete couch potato fundamentally hating running to a professional athlete back home.
I won several prizes on various distances in regional competitions and I now live and train in Switzerland preparing to run marathon under 3 hours.
I am certified running coach in USA, Russia and Belarus and looking to soon complete my practical training at the British Athletic Federation in the UK.

Coaching Philosophy

My coaching philosophy is fairly original: “I am not only training muscles and discipline but brain, humour, beauty and pleasure”. Running is not just about “running”, it is the subtle combination of a 3-stars Michelin meal that we will prepare together and where you will take the time to enjoy every single bite – some might be bitter than others but I can guarantee you that the experience is worth it!