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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Stijn van Weegberg

Profile Image

Coach Profile

  • Certified UESCA Running Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
Level of Specialization
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Coaching Experience

0-1 year

About Stijn

Besides being a UESCA Certified Running Coach, I am an avid triathlete and a doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Originally from the Netherlands, I now live, work, and train in Sweden. I am extremely motivated to coach all kinds of athletes, to help you reach your goals!

In my work, I do research on what allows SportsTech start-ups to thrive in the so-called entrepreneurial ecosystem: the interactions between entrepreneurs, government, funders, customers, and many more that make value creation possible!

As a triathlete, I compete mainly in half and full Ironmans.

Coaching Philosophy

I believe that running is extremely beneficial to both your mental and physical health - which is why I want to support any (potential) athlete who is interested in picking up or leveling up their running. Together, we can set goals that are in line with your values and beliefs, to help get the most out of yourself.