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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

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Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Coach Directory

If you’re looking for a qualified coach, there is no better place to start than here!

Avery Matthews

Profile Image

Coach Profile

  • Certified UESCA Running Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Coaching Experience

0-1 year

About Avery

In addition to being a coach, I am also an avid ultra runner. Some of my race achievements include the 2024 Grand Slam of Ultra Running which consisted of high altitude races like Leadville 100 and Wasatch 100. I have experience training athletes in a variety of climates ranging anywhere from extreme heat all the way to high altitude. From the low country to the high country, I have you covered.

Coaching Philosophy

It is my coaching philosophy that one can set really big goals and have fun in the pursuit of those goals. You are stronger than you know!

As a wife and mother of three, I also understand ultra running training can be a delicate balance. I aim to help you approach running in a healthy and sustainable way while taking into account your life as a whole. It is my believe that running should bring joy and be a long term pursuit of happiness.