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Advantage Running Coach Certification

The Advantage courses provide a hybrid approach to learning where course modules are drip fed on a weekly basis and discussed in a weekly live Zoom-based Course Discussion with Your Expert Presenter.

Course Price regularly $899.00 $200 Discount is pre-applied!

Welcome to our Live, Interactive Learning Format!

What do you get when you combine our comprehensive, online Running Coach Certification course into a weekly-dripped structured format, and add ten LIVE (via Zoom) weekly Q&A sessions with Expert Presenter, Seth Funderburg? You get the UESCA Advantage Running Coach Certification!

The Advantage program is perfect for those wanting a structured learning process to effectively stay on track and stay accountable, plus enjoy live (via Zoom) interaction on a weekly basis to discuss the course content with Seth, and his co-host Coach Jermaine Lamar.

We’ll keep you on track to complete the certification in 10 weeks (you are able to then take the final exam when you’re ready)!

Plus Bonus Time with Seth – After the ten weeks, you will continue to have access to Seth Funderburg to ask questions for an additional 30 days.

The Best of Both Worlds

If you love online learning but also love the ability to interact live with an instructor, then the Advantage Running Coach Certification is for you! We’ve fused our current online running coach certification content with weekly live Q & A sessions with professional coach, Seth Funderburg.

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Comprehensive Content

We appreciate that to be a well-rounded coach, you must be well-educated. As such, we don’t hold anything back with respect to our robust content. We make sure everything is covered so you can effectively coach athletes and grow a robust successful coaching business.

How It Works and What You Get


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  • Upon registration, you receive immediate access to the first 4 Modules (complete these as homework prior to course launch)
  • Beginning on 4/15/25, you’ll receive your first 2 modules to complete in Week 1 (then each subsequent week you’ll receive more modules) – See the complete schedule below
  • Each week is capped off with a Live Q&A session with Expert Presenter, Seth Funderburg (to discuss that week’s modules) – The live sessions are done via Zoom and are held at 6:00 PM MDT every Tuesday.  All sessions are recorded and the recording is made available within 24 hours for those who were unable to attend live
  • After the course is complete (10 weeks) you’ll receive full, lifetime access to the course content (via the full online certification course) and will take the Final Exam to complete your certification
  • You’ll have 1 year to complete the final exam but we recommend taking it while the information is fresh (the exam is open-book)
  • Receive 30 additional days to email Seth with any final questions
  • Once the Final Exam is passed, you’re done and have all of the advantages of being a UESCA certified Running Coach

About Coach Seth

Coach Seth Funderburg is the owner/head Coach of runBMT. runBMT a collective of people and experiences out of Central Florida designed to amplify running culture. While they are community centered, their vision for sport and training is through a performance lens.

Seth is still racing and competing as well. While most of his time is spent building the program, he is happy to mix it up with the athletes when appropriate. Coming from a XC and Track background, Seth has spent plenty of time running the shorter events and is especially fond of the half marathon. His favorite race to date has been the Austin Half Marathon!

His coaching style at runBMT is people-centric. While training rules and programs will always be at the center of his training design, he understands that busy jobs, families, and life, and changing availability to resources can change the needs of an athlete any given minute. So as a collective runBMT makes strides to be in good communication with their athletes and their needs as they build towards better races, better training cycles, and long term seasons!

The Full Schedule

Q&A Sessions are every Tuesday at 6:00 PM MDT and are recorded

Note:  You will receive access to the modules one week prior to the below listed Live Q&A Session.

Week 1 (4/15): Homework modules, plus Environmental Physiology (mod 5), Performance Assessments and Metrics (mod 6) Zoom Session is Tuesday 4/22

Week 2 (4/22): Running Mechanics and Drills (mod 7) Zoom Session is Tuesday 4/29

Week 3 (4/29): Injury and Illness (mod 8), Resistance Training (mod 9) Zoom Session is Tuesday 5/5

Week 4 (5/5): Running Recovery (mod 10), Athlete Intake (mod 11) Zoom Session is Tuesday 5/13

Week 5 (5/13): Goal Setting (mod 12), Female Physiology and Programming (mod 13) Zoom Session is Tuesday 5/20

Week 6 (5/20): Periodization and Program Development (mod 14) Zoom Session is Tuesday 5/27

Week 7 (5/27): Pacing (mod 15) Zoom Session is Tuesday 6/3

Week 8 (6/3): Mental Training (mod 16), Sports Nutrition (mod 17) Zoom Session is Tuesday 6/10

Week 9 (6/10): Safety (mod 18), Running Shoes and Apparel (mod 19) Zoom Session is Tuesday 6/17

Week 10 (6/17): Race Preparation and Execution (mod 20) Zoom Session is Tuesday 6/24

What’s Included?

  • 20 Drip-fed modules
  • Weekly live Q & A sessions with Coach Seth and Jermaine
  • End of module quizzes
  • Lifetime access to the full Online Course (which includes 2 additional Modules) where you’ll access your Practice and Final Exam
  • Multimedia content
  • Email support
  • Frame-able Certified Coach certificate (upon passing)
  • Access to our private Facebook Group for UESCA Coaches with over 2K members (upon passing)
  • Access to our Discount Benefit Partners (upon passing)
  • Ability to join our coach affiliate program to earn commissions for referring others (upon passing)

What Will You Achieve?

  • How to create effective, progressive and safe training programs
  • Learn how to assess running gait
  • Understand how the body functions regarding anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics
  • Effective communication with athletes
  • How environmental factors influence performance
  • Ability to administer performance assessments
  • Understand various running recovery modalities
  • Establish appropriate goals for athletes
  • Nutritional strategies
  • How to have your athletes execute on race day

UESCA Running Coach Certification Reviews

Course Content

Prerequisite: Complete by April 15, 2025
Week 1: April 15, 2025
Week 2: April 22, 2025
Week 3: April 29, 2025
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