In this episode, host Rick Prince chat with professional triathlete and coach, Matt Hanson. Matt is a six-time Ironman champion, and also a six-time Half Ironman champion. In 2024, Matt finished 5th overall in the Ironman Pro Series.
As both an accomplished triathlete and triathlon coach… as well as a former professor of exercise physiology, there is perhaps no one better to discuss the evolution of triathlon training than Matt.
In this podcast, Rick and Matt discuss many topics including how training has evolved over the years, how technology has played a role in this evolution and some common mistakes that triathletes make in their training.
Questions covered in this podcast include:
- Could you tell us about your background, both academically and as a professional triathlete?
- Could you give an overview of how triathlon training has evolved over the years?
- Of the three sport disciplines, is there one that has evolved the most with respect to being triathlon-focused vs. training as a stand-alone sport discipline?
- You are also a coach, have you found that any athletes push back against a modern triathlon-focused program versus a more old-school triathlon program?
- What are some of the biggest changes in the sport with respect to training and racing from the days of Dave Scott to today?
- How has technology played a role in the modernization of triathlon training?
- There is a saying in bike racing “Train your weakness, race your strength.” Does this also hold true for triathlon? Meaning, do you overly focus on your weakest sport discipline, or do you focus on your strength?
- What are some of the biggest training mistakes that you see triathletes make with respect to their training?
- If you could give one piece of advice to our listeners with respect to triathlon training, what would it be?