Caolan MacMahon

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Ultrarunning Coach, USATF L3/IAAF L5 Certified Running Coach, USATF L1/L2, NASM CPT, RRCA Certified Running Coach, Lydiard L1/L2 Certified Running Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Triathlon
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Injury Prevention
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Form Analysis
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Caolan

For many years I taught college Philosophy while coaching both rock climbing and running on the side. In 2012, my love of both teaching and running motivated me to move full-time into coaching, though I never miss a chance to slip some philosophy into the mix. I continue to pursue my own ambitious running goals while balancing all the other important aspects of my life. I have been able to explore the world through running, whether it's traveling and exploring new places on foot, or signing up for a race in a place I've never been before.

Coaching Philosophy

My approach is developmental, response regulated, and highly individualized. Improvement and personal satisfaction are found in developing consistent habits over time. We look at short, medium, and long term goals, adjusting training along the way based on how YOU respond to the training.
In running we each set our own goals based on our desires and aims. We come to running with different backgrounds, different strengths and weaknesses, different demands on our minds, bodies, and time. Each runner must have a plan that takes these variables into account.
Together we will set realistic, but ambitious, goals and map out a training plan tailored to your goals and your schedule. My aim is "real life" coaching; balancing all the important things in life while achieving personal satisfaction and excellence.