Jaci Wilson
Coach Profile
- Certified UESCA Running Coach
- Certified RRCA Running Coach
- IIN Holistic Nutrition Coach
- Certified Running Gait Analyst
- Certified 8020 Endurance Running Coach
- Running (marathon or shorter)
- Ultrarunning
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Strength and Conditioning
- Sports Nutrition
- Form Analysis
1-3 years
I help runners run smarter, stronger, faster and healthier by taking a holistic approach to training and running. I build training plans that consider YOUR season of life (married, kids, traveling, high-stress job, etc.), life stressors, short-term goals and long-term goals. Each training plan is different from athlete to athlete and also from training cycle to training cycle. I believe that training should fit INTO your life - it is A PART of life/enhances life when blended together. The holistic approach that I take is my favorite part of coaching and is what sets how I coach apart from other coaches. There are amazing run coaches all across the country and world, but the majority of them will only mention these other training aspects – they won’t actually address them. I also offer life coaching, nutrition coaching, and strength training programs separate from run coaching services.