Kevin Leathers

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Running Coach
  • UESCA Sports Nutrition Coach
  • USA Track & Field Level 1
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Form Analysis
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Kevin

I have 40+ years of running, 30+ years of triathlon, 25+ years of coaching. My endurance journey has gone from 5K to marathons to ultramarathons from 50K to 100 miles. I have also coached thousands of runners through CSE and through my work as National Run Coach for the Team McGraw and St Jude Heroes charity programs. I also coach track and cross-country at a girls' prep school in Dallas, TX. My 40+ year of personal endurance lessons and 20+ years of anecdotal coaching experience give me a unique perspective on coaching endurance athletes of all abilities.

Coaching Philosophy

I believe in starting where you are today and using proven training methods to reach your running goals. There are no "secrets" or magic workouts. We want steady, patient progress. The basic "rules" are the same, no matter your ability: build a big aerobic base, sprinkle in just the right amount of intensity, cross-train for strength and mobility, develop a balanced nutrition plan for optimal health and performance, hydrate, practice a regular prehab/ rehab routine to avoid injury, get enough sleep, listen to your body. None of these "rules" require talent. They are all basic, daily habits. Stay healthy and consistent and we can work together to help you achieve your running goals.