Kristina Sheehan

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Coach Profile

  • Certified UESCA Running Coach, TrainingPeaks Level 1 Accredited
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Form Analysis
Coaching Experience

3-5 years

About Kristina

I began running for fun in college to enjoy the Santa Cruz scenery, and fell in love with it when I moved to Hawaii. Years later I set my sights on qualifying for Boston and pursued organized training, where I developed what I was truly capable of. My marathon PR is 3:24 and my half PR is 1:36. My favorite distance is the half marathon because the training is just challenging enough to build strength and endurance, and the distance is still fun to race. Running has introduced me to some of the best people I know and I hope it allows me to meet you!

Coaching Philosophy

My philosophy is, "put in the work to redeem the reward." My commitments to you are clear communication, active listening, constant motivation, and firm accountability. I will encourage you through meaningful conversation, the occasional tough love, and of course some laughter. I encourage you to follow your training plan closely and use me as a resource for questions or concerns along the way. One of my particular points of emphasis is running form. It is a basic part of running that can make a huge impact. Remember, you are not in this alone. Pinpoint your "Why" and let's use teamwork to achieve your running goals!