Kevin Niksich

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Ultrarunning Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Strength and Conditioning
Coaching Experience

1-3 years

About Kevin

Father, husband, and business owner, I definitely understand time constraints and the need for flexibility and custom programming. I've run many ultra marathons in the last 10 years - most notably:

Western States 100, Hellbender 100, Pinhoti 100 2x, Georgia Jewel 100, Rocky Racoon 100, Uwharri 100, Thunder Rock 100, Zion 100, Georgia Death Race, Cruel Jewel 50, Lookout Mountain 50, as well as adventure runs like Rim to Rim to Rim, climbs to the top of Mt. Hood (10x), Mt. Rainier, Mt. Shuksan, Mt. Baker, Mt. Whitney, and many more high-points.

I also hold a Masters Degree in Psychology

Coaching Philosophy

I like to use a combination of tools to get the most out of my athletes
-Running workouts that are based sports science and athlete proven training methodology
-Strength training and cross training recommendations to help you stay injury free and meet your goals
-Constant communication and continuous feedback

One point that has been driven home through my years of coaching is that…nobody is the same when it comes to running. Everybody comes to the table with different fitness levels, physiology, backgrounds, jobs, family, stress, and goals. Adapting to different structured workouts, intensities, volume of miles, are all going to vary from person to person.

I strive to coach and train in a sustainable way, to make this a long term sport, so you can achieve these adventures for a lifetime. Keeping things fun, fluid, and flexible is a big part of that.