Loretta Tobolske-Horn

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Ultra Running Coach, UESCA Sports Nutrition, RRCA Running Coach, 8020 Endurance Coaching
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Loretta

I support a diverse range of athletes. I have completed races from track through 24 hour events. Some of my ultramarathon accomplishments include: Overall Female at Alexander County 24 hour 2021, 3rd place at Six Days in the Dome 24 hour 2021, Overall Female at Kalhaven Trail Ultra 2021, Michigan RRCA Female Champion 2021, 3rd place female Desert Solstice 24 hour track invitational 2020, Tunnel Hill 100 2019 1st Overall Female, 2nd Place Hennepin Hundred 2018, 14th for 100 mile women 2019 and 23rd in 2020 Ultra Running Magazine.

Coaching Philosophy

Every race and run is a learning experience that we carry forward. I have a passion for running and a desire to spread my love for running among others around me. I am excited to share my running experience and passion with you!

One of my strengths as a running coach is my supportive and motivating nature and open communication with my athletes.

All runners are unique individuals which is why, as a coach, my philosophy is to use an eclectic training approach to meet runners’ diverse needs and meet them where they are in their training and with their goals.

I love supporting runners of all abilities, goals, and races! I celebrate all progress and goals with my athletes!