Michael Schaffner

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Certified Running Coach
  • UESCA Certified Ultra-running Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Michael

Michael, who was anything but athletic in his younger years, ran his very first race on his 40th birthday, the Chicago Half Marathon, without proper training or any real concept of what 13.1 miles entailed. Little did he know how the struggle to cross that finish line would alter his life. In retrospect, Michael has built his running career around taking on new challenges with the uncertainty of success. In his two decades of running he has completed 25 Marathons and 20 Ultramarathons, racing everywhere from the Utah desert to the mountains of Peru.

Coaching Philosophy

As a coach, Michael is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest training methods and techniques to enhance his knowledge and skills. Michael's own experience as a runner, combined with his coaching expertise, give him a unique perspective and understanding of the challenges and rewards of training and racing.

Above all, Michael is passionate about helping others discover the joy and fulfillment of running. With a focus on safety, technique, and fun, Michael works tirelessly to help clients achieve their goals and become the best runners they can be, whether that means completing their first 5k or tackling an ultra marathon.