Zoe Nance
Coach Profile
- American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiologist
- USA Cycling Level I Elite Coach with Distinction
- USA Triathlon Level I
- Cooper Clinic Biomechanics of Strength Training
- CPR and First Aid
- UESCA Ultra-Running Certificatioin
- B.S Exercise Science from the University of New Mexico
- United States Master Swimming Level I and Level II Swim Coach
- United States Master Swimming Adult Learn to Swim
- Cycling
- Running (marathon or shorter)
- Swimming
- Triathlon
- Ultrarunning
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Expert/Advanced
- Strength and Conditioning
- Injury Prevention
- Sports Nutrition
- Form Analysis
10+ years
I grew up playing soccer with the boys, indoor, outdoors, I played tennis, swam, and rode my bike everywhere I went. I wasn't sure what I wanted to be when I grew up, and when I was forced to make a decision, I realized the one thing I always loved was nutrition, and exercise, so I went on to make a career of it. I LOVE to challenge myself. Always doing the next hardest thing. 6 and 12 hour races are my personal favorite, the harder the better. As for coaching, I have, and do coach it all. The bigger the challenge the better! If I can do it, you can too!!
Mission Statement: To combine scientific research, education, and practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science to enhance performance, personal fitness, health and increase the overall quality of life to individuals.