Hieu Phung

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Coach Profile

  • Certified UESCA Running Coach
  • Certified UESCA Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Sports Nutrition
Coaching Experience

1-3 years

About Hieu

Hi, I'm Hieu, from Vietnam. Before having a career as a running coach, I was an AI engineer without any specific background in running. But something changed during the Covid-19 pandemic that made me start running seriously, to regain my general physical health and have more fun in my own life. I love running ever since then and really enjoy everything that running gives to me. Running is FUN, and I want others to know that too, so I started coaching and co-founded VietMarathoners community (https://vietmarathoners.com/) in 2022 to promote this sport in Vietnam.

Coaching Philosophy

Progressive, Effective, and Fun