Najla Hallit

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Coach Profile

  • certified UESCA Cycling Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Cycling
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
Coaching Experience

0-1 year

About Najla

I believe in sportsmanship first. The sport is the game, and we are all in it together. While I started endurance sports at the age of 36, I think there is no age for sport.

Whereas men are more likely to engage in sport or physical activity to have fun (33%), to be with friends (23%) or to improve physical performance (26%), women are concerned with controlling their weight (26%), to improve their physical appearance (24%) or to counteract the effects of ageing (17%). These differences may be explained by a need to comply with gender stereotypes: men are expected to be strong and athlet

Coaching Philosophy

Customizable and Athlete/women focused