Cody Glassman

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Coach Profile

  • Certified UESCA Running Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Coaching Experience

0-1 year

About Cody

My name is Cody Glassman. I live in Central New York with my wife and two sons. I am a UESCA Certified Running Coach and ultra-marathon runner who would love to help you achieve your running goals! My running journey started during my career as a collegiate soccer player and grew from there. I have years of experience racing everything from local 5k’s, 10k’s, and road marathons, to 50 mile and 100 km ultra-marathon trail races.

Coaching Philosophy

Like most things of value in life, building endurance and fitness takes time. Through hard work, discipline, and finding happiness in the process of training, everyone is capable of reaching new running heights.

I believe that dedication to athletic excellence can result in personal growth that translates to everyday life. Running can help you build self-confidence, it can help you become a more patient friend, partner, or parent; and it can help bring perspective to some of the difficulties we all experience in our everyday lives.

But more than anything, I believe running should be FUN. When running becomes a part of our lifestyle, it can help us live happier more fulfilled lives. Not only can it help us maintain our health and fitness, but it can also allow us to experience nature, meet new people, and prepare us for whatever other fun adventures life throws our way.