Lauren McGettrick

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Running Coach
  • RRCA Running Coach
  • Crossfit Level-1
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Strength and Conditioning
About Lauren

I was a middle-distance track runner in high school and then transitioned to longer distances (marathons) while I was in the army. I ran my first marathon in 2015, and then found my love of marathon running again in 2020 when COVID began and the world was locked down. Somewhere in the middle of that, I decided to give ultra marathon running a try. I also developed a passion for CrossFit during this time, and have slowly been figuring out how to merge the two together in a productive manner for my fitness level.

Coaching Philosophy

My philosophy is that running is for everyone, and everyone who wants to become a runner – can become a runner with the proper training. Running looks different for everyone, and I want to ensure that all runners feel valid, whether they are running their first mile or their 20th marathon. There is space for every type of runner in the running community. My #1 goal is to be a coach who is accessible to everyone regardless of experience, goals, careers, and other competing priorities.

As a registered nurse, I spend everyday observing the consequences of not prioritizing your own health while you have the chance and the ability. I am passionate about helping individuals find a training schedule that fits their lifestyle and is as flexible as they need it to be. I have seen running heal both physical and mental health, and that is an opportunity I want everyone to be able to experience.