Phillip Young

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Ultra Running Coach
  • England Athletics Event Group Endurance Coach
  • England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness
  • Level 4 Nutriton Coach
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Sports Nutrition
Coaching Experience

5-10 years

About Phillip

I am 50 years old, an experienced runner competing in events from 1 mile through to marathon and more recently moving back up to the ultra marathon distance. I have been coaching as my profession for approx. 5 years.

In addition to my coaching business I am also involved with running events, Brutal Run and UK Ultra mainly, working as race director and event support, additionally working on a freelance basis at other UK based running events.

I love to see runners achieve the results they never thought possible by overcoming limiting believes and behaviours.

Coaching Philosophy

I take an holistic approach to my coaching, looking at all areas of life, not just the training side, to make sure that you have all you need to succeed. Working on the three pillars of training, nutrition and mindset, making sure all are aligned to help you get the results you want.

I have a strong believe that our physical health plays a huge part in managing out mental health, with this in mind the way I coach ensures not only are you working towards achieving results at your chosen event but you are also making sure to take care of your mental health through exercise and movement.

Every person I work with is an individual and is treated that way to ensure you get all the support and help you need.