Dirk Manley

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Coach Profile

  • UESCA Certtified Ultrarunning Coach
  • Physical Therapist
Sport(s) Coached
  • Cycling
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Other Areas of Specialization
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Injury Prevention
  • Form Analysis
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Dirk

Nearly 7 years ago, while attempting to overcome some imbalances created in his own body from two significant bike crashes, and after not having done so for 12 years, Dirk decided to start running. The first jaunt was a 7-minute shuffle that left him sore for several days. But, with persistence and a good balance of training on the bike, he started to overcome the imbalances, and something else happened along the way…he fell in love with running on trails. Since then, Dirk has completed multiple endurance runs, including several 100-mile events.

Coaching Philosophy

I see my role as a coach/physical therapist primarily to help focus athletes on solid training concepts and techniques, to foster good mechanics and posture while exercising, and to be proactive when it comes to injury prevention. In order to succeed at any event, we need a realistic plan that provides us with a period of consistent training, allowing our bodies to be properly prepared for the event. Consistency requires a healthy body, and that is where regular physical therapy sessions come into play. Let’s take care of the small aches and pains that arise with training before they become large problems that derail our consistency. With consistency comes fitness, resilience and results!