Tim Decker

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Coach Profile

  • certified UESCA Ultrarunning Coach
  • certified USATF Level 2 Coach
  • certified RRCA Level II Coach
  • certified Lydiard Level III Coach
  • certified VDOT O2 Coach
Sport(s) Coached
  • Running (marathon or shorter)
  • Ultrarunning
Level of Specialization
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Expert/Advanced
Coaching Experience

10+ years

About Tim

- 40+ years running, 200+ marathons
- 29 consecutive Boston Marathons (active streak)
- PRs: 17:43 (5K), 28:52 (5M), 35:30 (10K), 59:17 (10M), 1:21:32 (half-marathon), 2:46:52 (marathon), 214.3 miles (72 hours)
- 2:56 (Clarence DeMar), 2:59 (Maine), 2:58 (Steamtown) and 2:57 (Chicago) marathons over four consecutive weeks in 1997
- 2:54 (Seattle), 2:46 (Jacksonville) and 2:54 (Last Chance-Daytona Beach), my 4th, 1st and 3rd fastest marathons, respectively, over five weeks in 1999
- 3:25 in the 1996 NYC Marathon, two days after finishing a 100-miler in Prudhoe Bay, AK in –40°F wind chills

Coaching Philosophy

I prefer to create dynamically adjusted training plans for athletes by monitoring their progress and listening to their feedback as we work towards their goal races. Although I have used apps, I am a little old school in terms of logistics and delivery. I track each athlete's progress via an Excel tracking sheet. I do not work with templates and I do not use AI to come up with assigned workouts. Avoiding injuries always comes first, although even taking a somewhat conservative approach when issues may arise still does not provide any guarantees.