image of cyclist and and a runner

GUIDE: Strength Training for Endurance Athletes

The History Ahh yes, strength training – the nemesis of any endurance athlete… or at least that is what we are often led to believe. For starters, despite being debunked many many years ago, the …

Lactic Acid vs. Lactate: What’s The Difference?

If you’ve been involved with endurance sports for even a short amount of time, you have no doubt heard or read that the ever so fun muscle burn that you experience is caused by a …

The Science of the Warm-Up

Whether it was your 5th grade soccer coach, your college track coach, or your running group buddies; if you’ve been participating in sports of any kind, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “You gotta warm up!” …

7 Steps to Create an Annual Running Training Program

As the 2021 calendar year is winding down, it’s time for most of us to plan our own and our athletes’ training programs for the upcoming year. This post primarily focuses on the coach/athlete relationship …
Reducing chance for GI distress in ultrarunners

Minimizing the Chance for GI Distress in Ultramarathons

You’ve probably seen the commercials with someone having a bad case of indigestion and dropping a few white tablets in a glass of water to create a magical, fizzy concoction that is supposed to alleviate …

Want More Power On The Bike? Start With Your Ankles

There was a time not too long ago, if you wanted an accurate assessment of your power output while cycling, you had to head to a physiology lab – not so anymore. Nowadays, on-the-bike power …

Everything You Need To Know About Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

We’ve all been there. You get back from an awesome run, feel healthy and energized, have a nice dinner, go to sleep and then @$*%#!… you can barely make it down the stairs the next …

IT Band Syndrome – Myths and Facts

Ah yes, iliotibial band syndrome, or ITB Syndrome (ITBS) for short. If you’ve been a runner or cyclist for even a day or two, you’ve likely heard of this term and it being synonymous with …

Training For An Endurance Event While Working A Physically Demanding Job

Training for an endurance sport can be tough. This is especially the case for someone who works a full-time job that requires a lot of physical labor. This is because these jobs typically involve long …

Is There Really A Fat Burning Zone?

A lot of endurance sport athletes train and race for reasons other than competition or a high placing. One of the biggest reasons is for the health benefits and moreover, to lose weight. So when …

5 Reasons you MUST have a cancellation policy (and what it should say)

If there is anything that 20 years experience as both a personal trainer and endurance sports coach has taught me is that having and adhering to a cancellation policy (CP) is a must! Notice that …

How To Start A Run Coaching Business – A Comprehensive Guide

So you’ve run a bunch of races, love reading up on the latest training information and most importantly, you want to share your passion with others so that they can achieve their goals… awesome! Now …