Work for It
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Suggested Post Caption As much as we know about how athletes get fitter, it is also true that everyone differs in their response to training. So training is never an exact science. A study done by Vollaard et al., 2009, showed that while study subjects were all given the same training and it was given … Read more
Suggested Post Caption Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”When athletes train, physiological changes take place. Our bodies are made to adapt to stresses so that the stress becomes less stressful. This is how we manage change.You might find it … Read more
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Suggested Post Caption This is a MYTH! Sweat is not a reliable indicator of intensity or fat loss. 💦 The rate of sweating is highly subject to the environment in which a person is training. If you’re in a warm room doing a spin class, or it’s a hot day and you’re running outdoors, you’ll … Read more
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Suggested Post Caption If you’re looking to try a great “no equipment” workout, here’s a great one that requires only your body weight! If you end up giving this one a try, I’d love to hear how it went 🤩(Start with a warm-up of around 10 Minutes) :20/:20/:20 Circuit:20 Split Squat R/:20 Iso Hold/:20 Squats:20 … Read more
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