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Cross-training Tips for Runners from Top UESCA Coaches


7 UESCA certified coaches shared some coaching tips in Running Lifestyle Magazine’s Monthly Coaching Tip Round-up!

How often are you cross-training? Once a week? Twice a week? Never? It can be easy to get into the routine of only running. Especially when time is limited, running workouts take top priority. That said, cross-training workouts for runners provide a variety of fitness and mental benefits and help reduce the risk of injuries that may set back your training progress.

In this article seven certified United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy (UESCA) coaches share their recommendations on cross-training workouts for runners and how and when they should be added to your training.

Read the Full Article on Running Lifestyle Media Here
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UESCA a science-based endurance sports education company. UESCA educates and certifies running, ultrarunning, nutrition, cycling and triathlon coaches worldwide on a 100% online platform.
