
Top Coaching Tips on How to Increase Endurance

10 UESCA certified coaches shared some coaching tips in Running Lifestyle Magazine’s Monthly Coaching Tip Round-up! Understanding how to build running endurance is important, and it’s not as simple as increasing the miles you run. Ten running coaches share the most common mistakes runners make and what to do instead to increase running endurance. How … Read more

8 UESCA Running Coaches Share Tips for Goal Setting

Recently 8 UESCA Certified Running Coaches were featured in a Coaching Tip Round-Up article with Running Lifestyle Media. Running Lifestyle is a digital publication for runners who live the running lifestyle. They feature information on destination races, places to run, running groups, and running stores in cities across the US. We were thrilled to participate … Read more

The Most Boring (and Important) Factor of Success

Buy those carbon plated shoes and you’ll hit a PR. Do this specific workout that I’m selling and you’ll increase your lactate threshold. If you use this gel, you won’t hit the wall. There are endless training methods and tips that promise everything from marginal to huge gains. This is also true in the world … Read more

Overtraining Syndrome

This blog post is largely taken from our certification content and is contributed by UESCA advisor, physiologist and overtraining syndrome expert Alexandra Coates. While everyone has heard of the terms “Overtraining” and “Overtraining Syndrome”, there is a lot of confusion as to what overtraining really is. In this section we will define the components of … Read more

What is Functional Training?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely an athlete and therefore, have likely heard of the term, ‘Functional Training.’ The reason for this blog post is that this term has been defined in many different ways over the years, and I wanted to clarify what this term means in its purest sense and therefore, how it … Read more

Caffeine Use in Endurance Sports

Caffeine is the most established performance enhancing agent in the endurance sports industry due to its ergogenic and cognitive potential. In 1984, caffeine was included on the prohibited list by the Olympic officials. Urine analysis of 12 micrograms per milliliter and higher was the limit to test positive until the ban was lifted in 2003. … Read more

5 Reasons for Peak Season Strength Training

Should I strength train during my season? The short answer is, Yes! The long(er) answer is below. USE IT OR LOSE IT! I always find it a bit amusing to see pictures of pre-season professional cyclists at their respective training camps performing stretches and strength training exercises. Why? Because almost none of these cyclists perform … Read more

Heart Rate – Intensity Mismatch

Heart rate is used by many endurance athletes as a way to both assess and prescribe workout intensities. While heart rate is fine to use as a training metric in some cases, two reasons often cited where it falls short is in regard to heat and cardiac drift. Heat is pretty obvious – the higher … Read more

Stay In Your Lane

There are many aspects to being a great coach… Reliable. Professional. Knowledgable. Adaptable. The list goes on. However, one aspect of being a great coach that is often left off the list is that of staying in your lane. While this falls under the ‘professional’ category listed above, unfortunately, it is all too often ignored … Read more

Three Reasons Trail Running Makes You a Faster Road Racer

Trail running is a valuable training tool for any runner to keep in their tool chest to help them improve. Even if your goals are exclusively limited to road races, you’ll give yourself a big competitive advantage by strategically training on trails. In other words, run trails to become a faster road racer. Getting off-road … Read more