Have Patience

Patience and persistence, often through failures and slow progress, are critical factors for success in your coaching business.

Default to the Experts

To be the best possible coach or athlete, it’s important to understand that you’re likely not an expert on every aspect of endurance sports and therefore should actively source credible experts, and be careful not to just listen to the loudest voice in the room.

Just Start

While it’s easy to dream of starting a coaching business, actually starting one is a different story. In our experience working in the coaching industry, we’ve identified what we think is the main obstacle.

Why Don’t My Clients Work Hard?

If you’re a coach, you’ve likely asked yourself this question. Learn how to better understand your client or athlete so you can maximize the motivation potential.

Are We Over ‘Data-fied?’

These days we have no shortage of data but how much of it is actually useful and how should we be applying it? We cover how to identify advantages and pitfalls.

Overtraining Syndrome

Overtraining syndrome is a serious situation and it is critical to understand it and to know the signs and symptoms. Expert contributor Alexandra Coates covers this topic in depth.

Reverse Periodization

Traditional methods of periodization are commonly known and applied. But what about ‘reverse periodization?’ What is it; when and how should it be applied? We break it down for you here.