The Science of the Warm-Up

You generally know that athletes should warm-up before harder efforts. But do you understand why? We take a closer look at what happens in the body while “warming-up” and why it is important.

Risk Based Pacing (Part One)

To understand pacing, we need to first understand fatigue. While we’ve all felt fatigue, what is really going on within the body to regulate our effort? We cover it here with a great overview of fatigue.

What To Charge For Coaching

Like any business, it can be difficult to know how to charge for your services as a coach. We provide several factors for you to consider so you can price yourself with the correct value.

Is There Really A Fat Burning Zone?

A lot of endurance sport athletes train and race for reasons other than competition or a high placing. One of the biggest reasons is for the health benefits and moreover, to lose weight. So when you have a client come to you with weight loss as a primary goal, how do you proceed from a … Read more