Is There Really A Fat Burning Zone?

A lot of endurance sport athletes train and race for reasons other than competition or a high placing. One of the biggest reasons is for the health benefits and moreover, to lose weight. So when you have a client come to you with weight loss as a primary goal, how do you proceed from a … Read more

How To Start A Run Coaching Business – A Comprehensive Guide

So you’ve run a bunch of races, love reading up on the latest training information and most importantly, you want to share your passion with others so that they can achieve their goals… awesome! Now what? There’s no doubt about it – starting a business is hard. Regardless of whether it’s online or brick and … Read more

Do your knees angle in or out while cycling? This might be why!

Cycling is a unique sport that requires an individual to adapt to a bike with minimal equipment adjustments. As a result, most people that ride a bike do not have mechanically proper form. This lack of proper form is often not the fault of the individual. One of the most common cycling form ‘errors’ is … Read more