20 Minute Plank

Suggested Post Caption This is a great challenge and a solid core workout! See if you can make it the full 20 minutes. Modifications for the plank: in order of easier to harder, 1) Hands and knees, 2) Elbows and knees, 3) Hands and toes, 4) Elbows and toes. Choose the hardest version you can … Read more


Suggested Post Caption None suggested

Post-Menopausal Hip Fractures

Suggested Post Caption According to the new position statement from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, resistance training is effective in lessening age-related decreases in functional capacity and neuro-muscular function. And resistance training provides the following psychological and behavioral benefits:— Reduced trait anxiety— Enhanced self-efficacy— Improved mood— Positive changes related to anger and confusion— Improved … Read more

Survival Lessons from a Multi-sport Athlete

Suggested Post Caption Competitive athletes are practiced at uncertainty and the successful ones have an important tool in their arsenal. Optimism. The ability to control their thoughts in times of despair and suffering and find every fleeting positive.Our world is overcoming crisis right now and everyone has dealt with it differently. But even here we … Read more

Why Are Strong Glutes Important

Suggested Post Caption Greater Gluteus Maximus strength and activation have been correlated with better landing mechanics and running mechanics, along with better squat mechanics. In a study by Bell et al., a corrective intervention including isolated activation exercises improved movement quality and reduced risk of injury (including a reduction in the risk of ACL injury).. … Read more