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Top Coaching Tips on How to Increase Endurance


10 UESCA certified coaches shared some coaching tips in Running Lifestyle Magazine’s Monthly Coaching Tip Round-up!

Understanding how to build running endurance is important, and it’s not as simple as increasing the miles you run. Ten running coaches share the most common mistakes runners make and what to do instead to increase running endurance.

How to improve running endurance and how to run longer distances are common training questions, especially for beginner runners. But even more experienced runners make mistakes in their training for longer-distance races.

That’s because increasing your running endurance is not as simple as increasing how much you run. In fact, upping your weekly mileage too quickly, not listening to your body, or failing to give yourself adequate rest often results in poor performance and injuries.

In this article, 10 certified United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy (UESCA) running coaches share the mistakes they see runners make when training to increase running endurance and their advice on getting it right.

Read the Full Article on Running Lifestyle Here
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UESCA a science-based endurance sports education company. UESCA educates and certifies running, ultrarunning, nutrition, cycling and triathlon coaches worldwide on a 100% online platform.

Categories:Coaching, Running