Episode #8: Rowing Across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans with Guest Jayme Linker

In this episode, All Things Endurance Host, Rick Prince, speaks with Jayme Linker. Jayme is a Colorado native who, along with her team, is planning to become the first individuals to row the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans consecutively. They will be attempting this in 2024. Jayme discusses what it takes to train for such an endeavor, as well as what is required from a logistical point of view. It’s a fascinating discussion.

This podcast episode is unique in the fact that ocean rowing is not one of the ‘mainstream’ endurance sports and therefore, it contains a lot of eye-opening information. We hope you enjoy it!

1:33 – Jayme’s background and how she got into rowing
5:24 – Current goal and what charities Jayme is fundraising for
10:30 – Information about Trans Ocean rowing
22:00 – Training for a Trans Ocean row
28:43 – Rowing-related injuries
32:27 – What do you eat and how do you manage to eat while rowing?
41:38 – Role of mental fatigue
45:25 – What is a treacherous situation that you’ve been in while rowing?
49:10 – How do you shower and go to the bathroom on the boat?
53:12 – Are there any wildlife safety issues with wildlife?
55:22 – How can people support your row/charity?
57:00 – What is the total cost for rowing across the three oceans?

Where to Listen

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